I love Champagne!
I am rating sparkling wine in this blog- A SUPREMELY cocky thing to do in the comfort of my sunny San Diego deck.
There's a dazzling world of sparkling wine to be discovered and I am up to the task.
Champagne offers a variety of styles to add to ANY occasion, your food, your mood and your taste.
I find this to be a thrilling chase, to find the right bottle for every taste.
I am not talking epic drunkness but honestly tasting and learning about sparkling wine.
I love wine but SPARKLING wine (to me) is in a class of its own!
BUBBLES lift champagne off the two-dimensional page of aroma and flavor into texture and feeling.
I am creating an archive of every champagne /sparkling wine I've ever tasted into this blog!!
Every sparkling wine featured in this blog was tasted recently, early 2014.